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Another great post by Valerie. I had to share it. I had a similar situation with my nine year old son just this past weekend. He got away from me on a scavenger hunt in a busy hotel in Kansas City. I was just about to call my wife, who was on the same scavenger hunt with our seven year old daughter, when I saw him in another hallway across the lobby. The funny thing is, he was so busy having fun, he didn’t even know he was lost. Do you know if you’re lost? If you don’t know Christ as your savior, then you are.

When our oldest son was about three, we met some friends up at a lake. I was standing on one side of the boat ramp and my husband and his friend were…

About Doug (27 Articles)
Author, writer, photographer, homesteader, gardener, truck driver, father, husband, dreamer. I know a little, about a lot, a lot, about very little, and nothing, about what I’m doing, usually, but, with the help and grace of our Almighty Father in Heaven, I’m squeaking through life, one day at a time.

1 Comment on Lost

  1. Oh My! Another incident where the Lord’s angels took care of our children!

    Liked by 1 person

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